Save ideas: ,Fishers of Ideas’ in everyday business

Save ideas: ,Fishers of Ideas’ in everyday business

  • Posted by Gerhard Pramhas
  • On 17. December 2019


‘They are lurking everywhere: other artists, her students. They wait and watch. Then they siphon off the ideas and painterly qualities from the artist lying flat on the ground, trying to extort what is special about her.’ That is a text from the painting ,Fishers of Ideas’ from Maria Lassnig, which was exhibited on behalf of her 100th birthday in the Albertina in Vienna.

The text reminded me off my everyday business life. As a technological consultant I help my clients to have success with their own ideas and I also support them when it comes to people who want to steal their ideas.

Fishers of Ideas in everyday business life

Certainly, you have these ideas in your everyday business life: ,Other people want to steal my ideas’ or ,My suppliers, partners, clients or competitors exploit me in order to profit for themselves.’ Do you think that one day someone will take away something special from you like it happened to that painter? You do not have to! Although I am sure that you know that your ideas can not be fully saved – there is something that you can do. Be faster, be more creative and have a remarkable network around you with people that you trust. Additionally, you can develop an individual style, just as the artist did it. Or do you know another painter, that could copy paintings of Maria Lassnig?

Save ideas, increase credit

If I think back and see, which people or which enterprise could profit from my ideas, the following thoughts are elicited: It is good the way it is. Moreover, my clients earn significantly more money due to the measures that we have taken during our cooperation than they have paid for my effort. I have already quantified this merit factor in my blog post from the 21st March 2018. As written in the blog post we speak about the factor 3-5. Due to the experience of 1.5 years that went by since then, I can say that I understated the situation. But that is another story. If you want to protect yourself from copying your ideas and from all the things, that you built up with your own strength, let us speak about it without obligation. You can either write me at or use the contact form.